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Autumn 1



In science this term we have been learning about animals including humans. We have been learning the names of some of the bones in the body. Today we created life-size skeletons to show our learning!

Hansel and Gretel


We are reading Hansel and Gretel by Anthony Browne. Today we improvised and performed our own versions of the story. 

Egg Drop Challenge


In teams, we designed a parachute/protective case that would stop an egg from breaking when dropped from a height. Check out our pictures below to see how successful we were! 

September 2020


Welcome back to school! We hope you managed to have a fun and restful summer holiday. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to come and speak to one of the PIC team who will be very happy to help.


In English, we will be reading The Suitcase by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros – a story about kindness and how we treat those in need. We will use this book to inspire our writing.



In maths, we will be looking at place value, recapping how we use hundreds, tens and ones and counting in different multiples.


Our history topic will be The Great Fire of London. We will be learning about the significance of this important event in our history.



In science, we will investigate the importance of a balanced diet, human and animal skeletons and nutrition.


During circle time we will continue to learn about our emotions and the importance of relationships!


Our PE sessions will begin again next week and will continue to be on a WEDNESDAY. Please send in your child's PE kit as soon as possible. It will remain on their peg for this half term. Please could we also ask that all clothes are clearly named!


We will be sending home Wow Cards this week. Please write down and send in any special 'wow' moments. We love to celebrate them with the children and share in the progress and success they are making outside of school.



From left to right: Mrs Warren, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Singh-Landa

