Portsdown Primary School & Early Years
Sundridge Close
Telephone: 02392 378991
Ext. 1 - Report a child's absence
Ext. 2 - Front Office
Ext. 3 - Caterpillars Nursery
Ext. 4 - Butterflies Nursery
For general queries from parents or the general public you can call or email Mrs E Durow, School Support Manager, using the details below or by using the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Phone: 02392 378991
Email: admin@portsdown.portsmouth.sch.uk
School will respond to you as soon as possible. Sometimes emails go to our spam folder so if you haven't heard back form us within a reasonable amout of time, please give the school a ring.
The School's special needs co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs S Thomas. She can be contacted via the main school number or via her email: send@portsdown.portsmouth.sch.uk
Office staff
Mrs J Newbury - Office and Finance Manager
Mrs E Durow - School Support Manager (Front desk main school)
Mrs V Fryer - Front office receptionist
Mrs S Carpenter - Attendance Officer
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