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Portsdown Primary School and Early Years' Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Guidance

Our Curriculum Intent

At Portsdown Primary School and Early Years, in Years 1 to 6, we follow the National Curriculum which acts as an introduction to the essential knowledge and skills that the children of Portsdown need to become educated citizens. This builds upon the work completed in the nursery and Year R, where we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework. Our curriculum introduces the children to the best that has been thought and said, and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. Our curriculum is carefully sequenced so that all children can build on their knowledge and skills and develop their vocabulary throughout their time at Portsdown Primary School and Early Years. 

As a school, we aim to widen and enrich their life experiences beyond their starting points by providing a range of trips, visits and experiences throughout their time at Portsdown. We believe that being able to read with confidence and developing a love of reading is vital to our children if they are to succeed in the future. This is why reading is at the heart of our curriculum.


What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.