Children are organised into groups,
Caterpillars Nursery Class - for children aged 2 - 3 years
Butterflies Pre - school Nursery Class - for children aged 3 - 4 years
For children aged 3-4 years there is one adult to every 8 children.
Adult child ratios in the Nursery are planned in accordance with Government guidelines and are always increased if children are taken on trips out of Nursery.
Children work in small groups for group work with Teachers or Key Persons and join together in their classes for self initiated play.
At Portsdown Nursery we aim to keep you informed about:
The environment and organisation
The curriculum
Your child's progress and development
Your child's routine
With whom your child is working
Policies and procedures of Portsdown Nursery
Who you can talk to if you have a concern
The Nursery classrooms are surrounded by safe and enclosed outside areas which are landscaped with grass, safety play surfaces, and tarmac. This provides opportunity for taking learning and development outside.
The Nursery environment includes:
a range of bikes and trucks for a specifically designed roadway
sand, water and mud kitchen play for exploring and combining materials
role play areas and small world areas
hills for running and climbing
large adventure climbing apparatus with safe surfacing
construction apparatus for building
opportunities for exploring and using ICT equipment
opportunities for planting, growing and harvesting produce
safe shaded areas for all weather protection
music and sound exploration
reading dens
opportunities to develop number and awareness of shape and measure
opportunities to develop mark making, drawing and writing with a range of resources
opportunities for exploration and investigation
opportunities to explore media and materials e.g. paint, malleable materials, glue
Communication and Language
Developing listening and attention skills; learning to distinguish between sounds;
joining in with and learning rhymes and songs;
Developing understanding and talking, through broadening vocabulary, and using
longer and more complex sentences, as well as responding to and asking questions.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Helping children develop confidence and independence as they play and
explore; learning to follow the daily routine and understand rules and expectations
for appropriate behaviour; understanding their own feelings and
developing respect for others.
Physical Development
Encouraging confidence in exploring different ways of moving individually and in a group with increasing control e.g. using wheeled toys, exploring construction equipment, small games equipment
e.g. ball play climbing, balancing and tunneling play, den building;
Supporting children to explore opportunities for holding and using large and
small equipment for making marks and joining materials.
Encouraging understanding of how their bodies work developing
independence in self-care.
Encouraging interest in looking at and talking about books; learning how to use
and handle books; developing enjoyment in listening to stories and
reading. Supporting children joining in and remembering rhymes.
Developing interest in mark making and writing so they give meaning to the marks
they make.
Encouraging enjoyment, understanding and awareness of numbers and counting through practical activities rhymes and real experiences.
Exploring and talking about shapes and measures. Opportunities for
problem solving.
Knowledge and understanding
Investigative play - texture play e.g.- sand/water/mud/playdough. Finding out
and exploring the environment and the world through their senses. Talking about their observations and asking questions. Using and exploring ICT. Talking about people and the community.
Creative development
Role and imaginary play, exploring materials and media in messy play, painting,
construction and malleable materials, exploring and responding to music and
Cooking, snacks and meals and sleeping if children require a sleep in the day.
We do not discriminate against anyone on grounds of sex, race, colour, religion, nationality, or ethnic origins.
We ensure that all children have equal access to the full range of Education opportunities provided in Nursery.
We promote positive social attitudes and encourage children to have respect for all. We try to ensure that all children are treated fairly, equally and with respect.
We try to promote awareness of cultural diversity through ensuring that materials and resources used reflect a positive image of Ethnic minority groups.
Any incidents of prejudice or racism are challenged and serious incidents recorded and drawn to the attention of the Headteacher.
The Nursery follows Portsdown Primary School behaviour policy. The statements below summarise how we apply the policy in the Nursery.
Adults working in nursery encourage a positive and friendly atmosphere, praising children's achievements and positive behaviour.
Children are helped to behave appropriately through adults modelling appropriate behaviour and interaction.
At Portsdown Nursery we accentuate the positive rather than the negative.
With our youngest children we talk about and model the behaviour, praise appropriate behaviour and use distraction to focus children’s attention.
When conflicts occur, adults help children to resolve them through talking and modelling appropriate behaviour, then praising the child's co-operation. We try to 'catch the child being good' (making appropriate behaviour choice) and praise the behaviour e.g. 'I like the way you are walking now'
If a child displays inappropriate behaviours they are given a warning using the language of ‘choice’.
If the behaviour continues the child has time away from group, but within close vicinity of the group. Sand timers are used as a visual aid for the concept of time.
After, time is taken with the child, to reflect on their behaviour and explain how they should behave.
All adults model and encourage appropriate behaviour through visual stimulus and objects.
Visual rules, agreed with children, are displayed and used for all children to access Nursery rules and expectations.
If there are continued incidents of challenging behaviour, we monitor the incidents to see when they are occurring and try to identify the reasons why.
From this point we may put an individual plan in place or make adjustments to the situations to support positive behaviour development.
We work closely with parents/carers to support with any behaviour concerns.
In discussion with parents we may involve the school inclusion manager or external agencies who can offer further advice and support.
Portsdown Nursery has the highest regard for the safety of children.
Sometimes children are poorly in Nursery and Portsdown staff may need to contact parents/carers quickly so the child can be collected and taken home.
It is therefore very important parents/carers inform the Nursery immediately if any contact numbers change.
At all times, particularly if parents/carers are not at home, they should ensure there is someone who could collect the child in an emergency.
When a child starts Portsdown Nursery it is essential that parents/carer record on the admission form who is permitted to collect the child in an emergency.
Portsdown Nursery will not allow children to be collected by someone who is not known or named on the child’s records unless previous consent has been issued by the parent/carer.
Parent/carers must inform Portsdown Nursery staff when leaving a child at the start of a Nursery session if anyone different is to collect the child.
In the event of an emergency, where persons named on the admission form are unable to collect a child, Portsdown Nursery requests that a password is recorded and only known to those persons and named contacts.
Nursery staff are informed of the password, which is kept securely.
This password is then given by the parent/carer to the person delegated to collect the child. The delegated person presents this word when requested on collection of the child.
The delegated person must show identification so Portsdown Nursery staff can check it with the additional information parent/carer has given to Nursery about the person collecting.
Only then will the child be released.
If there are any concerns raised Portsdown Nursery staff would contact the parent/carer by telephone.
If your child is booked for a session, please try to ensure that your child attends at the start of the session.
It is unsettling for the children if they walk in and activities have already started and Nursery staff may not be free to talk with you about your child.
Sometimes circumstances may happen, making lateness unavoidable. In these circumstances, please do not keep your child at home. We would rather see them late than not at all.
Late collection of children from Nursery will incur a fee for every 15 minutes after their booked time. (Please see Policy for childcare fees)
If your child needs to take medicine during the Nursery sessions we ask you to complete a form detailing medicine dose, time and reason.
You will need to sign a statement giving your permission for Staff to administer the medication.
Prescription medicines must be in their original container with original label from the pharmacy. This must state child’s name, date of expiry of medication, dosage given.
Should your child require medication twice a day – please if possible, arrange times so medication can be administered at home.
When your child begins at Nursery it is important you inform us of any medical conditions, allergies, physical or learning needs your child has.
This will help us to provide care and curriculum with consideration to children's needs.
We do not want to put your child into any difficult or stressful situations.
If we know a child has an allergy, for example to eggs, we will ensure that precautions are taken to accommodate this. We will need to discuss with you, procedures to be taken if an allergic reaction was to occur.
If you have a worry about your child, however small, for example with speech or hearing, it is important you tell us so that we can observe and assess the situation or refer to other professionals who can help and advise.
If we have a concern about your child's progress we will talk to you about it so we can work in partnership to support your child.