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R.E. at Portsdown Primary School and Early Years


Religious Education curriculum information


Religious Education in Portsdown Primary School follows the Portsmouth, Southampton, Hampshire and IOW Agreed Syllabus for RE, which is entitled ‘Living Difference IV’. The agreed syllabus follows the legal requirement for religious education to reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teachings and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.


We teach Living Differences IV through the ‘Discovery RE scheme’. Information about the scheme can be found here: On our website, you will also be able to find a mapping document which shows how Living Differences IV is taught through the ‘Discovery RE’ scheme.


“Living Difference IV affirms our commitment to an education that takes seriously the importance of children and young people exploring their own lives in relation to what it can mean to live with a religious orientation on life, as well as other ways of life including those informed by a non-religious perspective. It gives guidance to teachers regarding what religious education should aim to achieve during their time in school so that children and young people come to speak, think and act in the world.” (Living Difference IV)


For more information and detail about the RE agreed syllabus 'Living Difference IV', please follow the link.


RE curriculum design


Discovery RE is an enquiry-based approach to Religious Education running from Nursery to Year 6 with a different enquiry for every half term (6 per year) focusing on one religion at a time. These overlapping themes and enquires allow the children to revisit and develop their knowledge and understanding over time.   The aim is to deepen children’s critical thinking skills through greater subject knowledge and also to allow their own spiritual development. Each enquiry has a big enquiry question and this is explored with a 4-step process:


  • Engagement (How can I relate to the underpinning concept in my own world?)
  • Investigation (What do I need to learn about the religion in order to answer the big question)
  • Evaluation (How well can I apply this knowledge to the big question using critical thinking/evaluation skills?)
  • Expression (Can I express what difference this enquiry has made to me, my thinking and my starting point?)


End of year expectations (EYEs) are included in the syllabus and are used to inform curriculum making; both in terms of what should be taught, as well as to ensure appropriate challenge over time. In Year R, RE is taught to support the children’s “Understanding the world” element of their development.


During Reception and Key Stage 1, Children look at aspects of the Christian tradition along with a depth study of a second tradition.


During Key Stage 2, Children look in more depth at aspects of the Christian tradition along with in-depth studies of two additional religious traditions. In both Key Stages, non-religious perspectives are also explored.



The teaching and learning methods of Religious Education is planned to employ a wide range of teaching methods including:

  • Visits to places of worship.
  • Exploring Religious artefacts.
  • Listening to religious stories.
  • Visits by members of faith communities.
  • Reflection on religious symbols, sounds and the use of silence.
  • Art, music, dance, including concerts and performances.
  • Experiential learning through drama.
  • RE is a delivered through a process of enquiry into concepts. This allows children to develop skills such as critical thinking. 
  • Another really valued part of religious education is the children themselves sharing about their own religion, as the other children respond really well to hearing from their peers.


How you can support your child at home

Having regular discussions about your own beliefs, as well as those of friends and other family members is really important. It is important for children to come into contact with different members of community to see how their religious views impact their life. We live in a diverse city with so many amazing experiences and events based around different religious festivals and celebrations.




    Portsdown Primary School has adopted the Living Difference 3 syllabus. See below for more information.

    Living Difference IV document
