PSHE is extremely important to us all at Portsdown and it is highly valued!
We use the Jigsaw scheme to support our teaching and learning in Personal, Social, Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education, as outlined by the Department of Education guidance to schools. To find out more, please look at the documents below.
Circle time continues to be used to help develop positive relationships between children. It aims to give them the tools to engage with and listen to each other. Since the outbreak of Covid 19, mental health and wellbeing has never been more important and this is a real focus for us at Portsdown. Teachers make sure that children feel heard and that they have a voice to express freely how they are feeling. Children are encouraged to talk about their worries and concerns.
Below you will also find our PSHE policy. We have ensured it continues to effectively meet the needs of all our children at Portsdown, as well as the mandatory framework.
This year, the children have enjoyed a number of events and celebrations that enrich their PSHE curriculum including raising over £1700 for Children in Need. We hope, with the support of our community, to build on this area this year. Below, you will find a calendar with the events we plan to celebrate in school.
If you have any additional questions or feedback or can offer your support for future events please contact the PSHE Lead - Mrs Metherell:
The Jigsaw Scheme is split into six different puzzle pieces:
Please see below for an overview of each topic.
To raise awareness of Anti-bullying week this year we celebrated by wearing odd socks! Children came to school wearing their brightest socks to remind us all that we we are all different and amazing! In class, we set up our kindness buckets where we could leave messages for each other to celebrate something special that we had noticed someone doing.
Wow! This year we raised over £1700 towards this amazing charity. The children ran, danced and even climbed obtacles to raise this increadible amount of money. Thank you too all of our wonderful children and sponsors.
NSPCC Stay Safe, Speak Out!
We had the opportunity to work with the NSPCC to delivery an assembly and workshop to all the children to help them understand their right to stay safe. We want to ensure the children know they should speak out and be heard if they feel they need to and to be aware of ways they can get help when needed. Follow this link to find out more.
During October we celebrated Black Awareness Month in school through a range of books and talking to our history specialist in school. Each year group created a piece of work about one of the many famous black people throughout History. Mr Smith, our reading champion also created a display in the library focusing on a variety of books that celebrate black awareness. These included non-fiction information books to fiction books written by black authors.
You can find out more about the children's learning in these clips and quizzes at the CBBC website.
Each classroom has their own PSHE display, as this is a focus area of learning for our school. Some displays may show breathing techniques or mindfulness, along with a range of art work showing a variety of emotions. Children are encouraged to talk about their emotions and how their bodies feel when they experience these emotions. Each display also reflects what is being taught in the PSHE curriculum for that year group. Throughout the year, pictures of such displays will be celebrated here.