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Year 6

Science this half term

Welcome To Year 6

We are so impressed with how the children have settled into their final year at Portsdown! 

We have a great team of adults working in year 6:


In Golden Eagles (6NM)

Mrs Metherell 

Mrs Sparkes 


In White Tailed Eagles (6VK) 

Mrs King 

Mrs Yaxley



If you need to speak to a class teacher please email us using the below addresses and we will reply as soon as we can. 

Mrs King:

Mrs Metherell: 


What we are learning in Year 6



This half term we are reading Holes and linking this with our Geography topic of North America. 



In math, we are looking at the values of numbers to millions and using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division methods to solve problems.



We are all artists in year 6 and we will be using our sketching skills and painting skills to create landscapes.




What is a website? Can we become website designers?




Thursday is PE day 

We are asking that PE kits come in and stay in school for the half term please. 

PE kit is plain shorts, white top, trainers or plimsolls and your own supply of micropore tape for ear studs.

You may wish to also include a black or grey plain tracksuit for when the weather turns colder.


School Trip 



Year 6 Year Overview
